Sunday, June 17, 2012

home sweet home

I'm back.  My children and husband survived.  I barely did.  I know that I'm supposed to feel happy about having a few nights up in Tahoe without my family......and I had a really great time......but I missed home.  It was good for me though.  I had a whole room to myself.  We made wonderful food together for dinner and sat on the deck at dusk watching the bats swoop around the pine trees.  I took long walks in the morning on my own before anyone woke up.  I meditated on the beach while sorting through rocks.  I met new people that I enjoyed talking with and felt as though I had found kindred spirits.  I had a spa day. 

I think I'm extremely attached to my family and I was glad to be home with them, sleeping in my own bed, eating my own food and getting out into my garden to see how much everything had grown. To hug everyone. I think this past month has been a whirlwind of trips for one person or the other and I feel like we just need to be grounded in our own space all together for a while.  Maybe for a few weeks.  Then we can plan some backpack trips in the mountains this summer.  In a few days it will be officially summer.

I didn't want to take my camera up there so, I took these pictures with my cheezy little phone but I think you get the idea. It's a beautiful place.  I scouted out some beaches and hikes which I plan on getting back to this summer with my kids.



  1. No matter how anxious and eager I am to leave, I am always glad to return home. Welcome back, Kyndale.

  2. looks like a great trip, and I agree with Rachael. I miss them like crazy when I'm gone.

  3. it looks wild and beautiful there!
    getting away is good, coming home is better :)

  4. i get that kyndale, missing home. sometimes i think it takes a solid week to settle into another place, so often trips are just too short to really get into the new place, and leave everything behind. i've noticed this pattern for myself on most trips we take. they last around a week, and i'm just starting to groove when we have to go home. wah. two week trips are what i'm gonna start dreaming of!!

    but how lovely to want to go home. that means you have a lucky home life!!

    1. I just love my people! I think I'd like to take a longer break but maybe with my husband but the catch is I don't think my littlest is ready for that long of a separation from both parents. :( It was really good though, just those few days. I also got a detox wrap and I think that made me a bit antsy? I'm not sure.

  5. Oh my, I hear you about missing home. It looks like a beautiful spot to get away to, and just an incredible place for the kiddos.

    1. I'm plotting my next visit up there with the family! :)

  6. Hi Kyndale, what a beautiful place is Lake Tahoe, I do understand your feelings! Welcome back home!!

    1. It's such a beautiful place, especially at dusk and dawn!! xo
