~Inside ~
~ outside ~
I needed to be outside yesterday. Of course, one little person in my family thought he just wanted to be inside all day. But as I explained, sometimes a family has to do things that's for the good of all it's members. Even if one person doesn't want to do it. I also tried to convince him that he would enjoy the place I was taking him to.
When we got to our destination, after listening to crying the whole trip, he held my hand tight and walked with me along the path. Shortly thereafter, he forgot about his previously strong opinion and had fun. I'm talking very strong opinion. We saw hawks and falcons. The sun was shining and I soaked up all that warmth on my skin. We heard the chirps of birds. At one point far off, there was a loud uprising in the sea of cattails and we heard the birds sounding their alarm that came toward us like a wave. It was a beautiful day. Then I was ready to come home.
Happy Solstice!